Call conventions, ownership, and mutability in Rust

Free book "Rust Projects - Write a Redis Clone"

A Rust to-do list CLI app - Part 1

Design and implement a flexible VPC on AWS

Data Partitioning and Consistent Hashing

From Docker CLI to Docker Compose

Public key cryptography: OpenSSH private keys

Stop using tools as if they were solutions

How to write a Pelican theme for your static website

AWS Log Insights as CloudWatch metrics with Python and Terraform

First-class objects in Python - Higher-order functions, wrappers, and factories

Mau: a lightweight markup language

Public key cryptography: SSL certificates

TDD in Python with pytest - Part 5

TDD in Python with pytest - Part 4

TDD in Python with pytest - Part 3

TDD in Python with pytest - Part 2

TDD in Python with pytest - Part 1

Delegation: composition and inheritance in object-oriented programming

A game of tokens: write an interpreter in Python with TDD - Part 5

Emacs Configuration for Python/JavaScript, Terraform and blogging

Flask project setup: TDD, Docker, Postgres and more - Part 3

Flask project setup: TDD, Docker, Postgres and more - Part 2

Flask project setup: TDD, Docker, Postgres and more - Part 1

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts in Python

Multiple inheritance and mixin classes in Python

Dissecting a Web stack

Punch 2.0.0 is out

Run a blog with pelican

The Digital Cat Youtube Channel

Motorola 68000: addressing modes

Exploring the Amiga - Part 8

Exploring the Amiga - Part 7

Clean Architectures in Python: the book

Useful pytest command line options

Exploring the Amiga - Part 6

Exploring the Amiga - Part 5

Exploring the Amiga - Part 4

Exploring the Amiga - Part 3

A game of tokens: solution - Part 4

A game of tokens: write an interpreter in Python with TDD - Part 4

Exploring the Amiga - Part 2

Exploring the Amiga - Part 1

Public key cryptography: RSA keys

Introduction to hashing

A game of tokens: solution - Part 3

A game of tokens: write an interpreter in Python with TDD - Part 3

A game of tokens: solution - Part 2

A game of tokens: write an interpreter in Python with TDD - Part 2

Refactoring with tests in Python: a practical example

A game of tokens: solution - Part 1

A game of tokens: write an interpreter in Python with TDD - Part 1

Clean architectures in Python: a step-by-step example

Python Mocks: a gentle introduction - Part 2

Punch - Update your version while having a drink

Abstract Base Classes in Python

Python Mocks: a gentle introduction - Part 1

Clojure sequential data types for Python programmers

A simple example of Python OOP development (with TDD) - Part 2

Using gitflow with GitHub: a simple procedure

A simple example of Python OOP development (with TDD) - Part 1

99 Scala Problems 16-20

Python decorators: metaprogramming with style

99 Scala Problems 15 - Duplicate the elements of a list a given number of times

99 Scala Problems 14 - Duplicate the elements of a list

99 Scala Problems 13 - Run-length encoding of a list (direct solution)

99 Scala Problems 12 - Decode a run-length encoded list

99 Scala Problems 11 - Modified run-length encoding

99 Scala Problems 10 - Run-length encoding of a list.

99 Scala Problems Index

99 Scala Problems 09 - Pack consecutive duplicates of list elements into sublists

99 Scala Problems 08 - Eliminate consecutive duplicates of list elements

99 Scala Problems 07 - Flatten a nested list structure

99 Scala Problems 06 - Find out whether a list is a palindrome

99 Scala Problems 05 - Reverse a list

99 Scala Problems 04 - Find the number of elements of a list

99 Scala Problems 03 - Find the Kth element of a list

99 Scala Problems 02 - Find the last but one element of a list

99 Scala Problems 01 - Find the last element of a list

Python 3 OOP Notebooks

Default arguments in Python

Accessing attributes in Python

Advanced use of Python decorators and metaclasses

Object-Oriented Programming in Python 3 - Abstract Base Classes

Object-Oriented Programming in Python 3 - Metaclasses

Object-Oriented Programming in Python 3 - Polymorphism

Object-Oriented Programming in Python 3 - Composition and inheritance

Object-Oriented Programming in Python 3 - Classes and members

Object-Oriented Programming in Python 3 - Objects and types

OOP concepts in Python 2.x - Part 3

Method overriding in Python

OOP concepts in Python 2.x - Part 2

OOP concepts in Python 2.x - Part 1

Digging up Django class-based views - 3

Digging up Django class-based views - 2

Digging up Django class-based views - 1

Some tips about AMQP direct exchanges

Postage - a RabbitMQ-based component Python library

The Lord of the Rings: an Erlang epic

Error handling in Erlang - a primer

Concurrent programming - 6

Python Generators - From Iterators to Cooperative Multitasking - 3

Python Generators - From Iterators to Cooperative Multitasking - 2

Python generators - from iterators to cooperative multitasking

Versioning - An underrated discipline

Concurrent programming - 5

Concurrent programming - 4

Concurrent programming - 3

Concurrent programming - 2

Concurrent programming - 1